ENCANTA 2017: Bel Canto SINGs IN Spain
Bel Canto, directed by Ms. Jodi Reed, is touring Spain in summer 2017. Beautiful destinations with prime venues and amazing acoustics await the singers. Madrid, Basque Country, Oviedo and Barcelona, are the main destinations for Bel Canto "ENCANTA" iNCANTATO CONCERT TOURS experience - with additional visits to charming smaller towns like Léon and Olite, plus stunning Montserrat Abbey.
Tour dates for ENCANTA are Sunday, June 4 to Wednesday, June 14, 2017 - with extension options.
iNSIDE EUROPE is offering parallel milestone experiences for family and friends of Belcanto: ESPAÑA ENCANTADORA and EPICurious SPAIN.
*Eligible students interested in participation,
are asked to contact the choir director
to gain access to the registration.